The Wedding Of

Tety & Aldy

21. 01. 2024

Tety & Aldy
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Tamu Undangan
*Sorry if there is a spelling error in the name / title

Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Glory be to Allah who has created His creatures in pairs. O Allah, allow us to connect the love that You have created between us to follow the Sunnah of Your Messenger in order to form a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah.

The Bride and Groom

Tety Rohmatilah, SE

First Child of
Mr. Dede Muhtar &
Mr.s Elis Rokayah


Rinaldy Ramanda Putra, SE., ME

First Child of
Mr. Ade Sutisna &
Mrs. Rini Supartini

Insya Allah
The event will be held on

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Countdown timer

  • 00Hari
  • 00Jam
  • 00Menit
  • 00Detik


Sunday, 21 January 2024

08.00 AM

Fave Hotel Hyper Square Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.25 - 27, Ciroyom, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung


Sunday, 21 January 2024

11.00 AM - Finish

Fave Hotel Hyper Square Jl. Pasir Kaliki No.25 - 27, Ciroyom, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung

Live Streaming

Zoom Meeting

07.00 AM - Finish

Join the zoom meeting through this link:

Youtube Live Streaming

07.00 AM - Finish

Join the Youtube live streaming through this link:

“And among the signs of His greatness is that He created for you mates of your own kind, that you may find peace of mind, and that He may establish love between you; indeed, such are the signs of His greatness for those who think.”

(Surat Ar-Rum:21)

Remarks & Attendance Confirmation

Give us your best wishes

All your comments and posts are a reflection of you! Thank you…

Blessed Ones

Family of the


Mr. Dede Muhtar & Mrs. Elis Rokayah

Blessed Ones

Family of the


Mr. Ade Sutisna & Mrs. Rini Supartini


1. Bagus Hendraning Kobarsyih (Middle East Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
2. Novriady Wijaya (Assistant Deputy for Economic Cooperation in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Ministry of Economic Affairs RI)
3. Dr. Ir. Djoko Darwanto GK (Postdoctoral Fellow ITB/IATKI)
4. Kel. Besar Alm. Uan & Kel. Besar Alm. Unus (Garut)
5. Kel. Besar Alm. Odang Muchtar (Sukabumi)
6. Kel. Besar H. Euis Tarmi (Bandung)

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